“Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high.” Isaiah 52:13
One of the meanings of the word translated ‘prudently’ is successful, prosperous. Jesus Christ, the “servant of Jehovah” referenced in this passage, was an absolute success in His mission on earth. His assignment was living an absolutely righteous life, teaching the counsel of His Father and suffering death to gain forgiveness for His people. He did it and He did it well!
Do you want some more good news? Jesus is still winning. He is still prosperous and successful in His purposes. He is not coming up a little short these days because the world is rejecting Him. His sovereign purposes are being fulfilled every single day! Furthermore, God the Father is seeing to it that Christ is being honored for His perfect work. He sits in honor at the right hand of God, receiving glory and praise.
Lastly, do you feel like a failure? Truth is, we are all failures! Don’t put faith in yourself, put faith in One who is successful. Trust in One who is exalted and extolled and very high. To trust Him means to trust His work on the Cross. It also means to follow Him by practicing His word. It means to depend on His strength. As we walk in faith, we will find greater spiritual prospering in our own lives. Plenty of failures will plague us, but the ultimate success of Christ is ours!
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