Elder Timothy Guess was ordained to the gospel ministry under the authority of Grace Chapel Primitive Baptist Church in Memphis, TN, in 2006. He has served alongside Elder Poe at Collierville Church since shortly before his ordination. Bro. Timothy has been blessed to assist in gospel labors in India and Cambodia. At the home front, he is in involved in gospel outreaches among Spanish-speakers. He and his faithful wife Meredith have four children. Bro. Timothy preaches in our Sunday morning worship services.
Elder Bobby Poe was ordained to the gospel ministry under the authority of Whitehaven Primitive Baptist Church in Memphis, TN in 1967. He has pastored a number of churches primarily in West Tennessee and North Mississippi, but also some in Texas. Bro. Bobby has been faithful to go where God has called him, including ministering in the Philippines in 1996 on two occasions, covering about three and a half months. In April, 2009, he ministered in teaching and preaching in Cambodia. He has been a blessing in mentoring a number of young ministers, including our co-pastor, Timothy Guess. Collierville Church benefits greatly from his years of wisdom and experience in walking with the Lord. Bro. Bobby teaches our Thursday Bible Study and preaches every 2nd Sunday afternoon, as well as the Sunday morning service when Bro. Timothy is away. He and his faithful wife Ann have three children. He has served Collierville Church since 2001.