“I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” John 9:4

Jesus was focused on the mission the Father had given to Him. He didn’t once follow foolish distractions or take a day off from His great calling. He was committed to carry out and fulfill the great mission of gaining salvation for His people. Are you thankful for such a committed, devoted Savior? Without this committment, there would be no forgiveness of sins, no righteous standing with God.

Ought we not also follow this example of Christ? Our works are not to gain salvation, but are the right response to salvation. How easy it is to set aside devotion to God in our daily life! Our numerous activties, some necessary and others not, often crowd our service to God out of the way. Some say, “When I get more time…when I get older…when it’s more convenient…then I will really be serious about following Christ.” This is actually a presumptuous attitude. All we have is NOW! The calling to turn away from a sinful, self-focused life is not for tomorrow…but for right now. Do we think we can just magically flip a switch at some time down the road and suddenly give ourselves to His work?

May we say with Jesus, “I MUST work the works of God while it is day.” May we be compelled to joyfully commit our days to His service in every area of life. A heart thankful for a Savior who lived this way in order to gain our salvation is the motivation for us to live this way in response to salvation. Father, please give much grace to our hearts to sincerely devote ourselves to your calling. Amen.

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