“Let them praise the name of the LORD: for His name alone is excellent; His glory is above the earth and heaven.” Psalm 148:13
The whole psalm is a cry to every sector of creation to give praise to God. Everyone from angels to kings to little children are called to praise God. Even nature—from sun and stars to animals and stormy winds—is pointed in worship to the one, true God.
Because His name alone is excellent. That is, God alone is worthy of such praise and adoration. His glory—The perfection and beauty of His Person—is unparalleled. God is unique. His greatness demands our worship. We owe Him praise and honor.
What or who do you worship? Put another way, what impresses you the most? What gives you the greatest delight? From decisions on how we spend our time to what dictates how we live to where we are on Sunday morning, may the God who is glorious like none other be the object of our heart’s adoration.
It is a shame if this is not true of us because He is worthy of it. Imagine a sports team goes through the demands and rigor of a whole season. They perform well, defeating their opponents and finally winning the championship…only to receive nothing to honor their performance. No trophy, no parade, no recognition. This would not appropriate. Nor is it appropriate when the Creator, Savior and Lord over all doest not receive honor. He does not need our worship, but He is worthy of our worship. May we overflow with worship to Him!