“Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity; for the LORD hath heard the voice of my weeping. The LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer.” Psalm 6:8,9
God’s people are not always on the mountain top of joyful exhilaration. We plod through pain, sorrow, frustration and various other burdens. But, God gives us reason for which we can rejoice even in these hard seasons. One is this: the confidence that God hears our weeping; that He hears our prayers.
Have you quit praying? Or have you allowed your prayers to become a mere habit and form, but your heart is not in it? If so, read Psalm 6! It is a good model for prayer during a dark season.
In this Psalm, David may have been suffering under some chastisement of God (v.1). He asks God for mercy in verse 2 (which seems to indicate an honest repentance). He appeals to God’s merciful nature (v.4), reminding himself of the loving God to whom he approaches. David’s prayer was with a view to God’s glory, and not from a self-centered motive. (v.5). He is honest with His sufferings and pain (v.2, 6, 7).
In our dark seasons, we must bring our heavy burdens to God. It is always tempting to turn to something else: escapism through over-indulgence in entertainment or activities; temporary relief through drugs, drunkenness, over-eating, or other vices. Bring your tears to God’s feet. Bring the pain and sorrow to the throne of grace. Never in anger, never accusing God of injustice towards us, but with the openness of a child who knows his Father will hear him.
This was David’s confidence and encouragement: “God hears my weeping. He receives my prayer. He genuinely and deeply cares.”
- Humility and Repentance
- Appealing to God’s merciful nature
- Praying with a view to the glory of God in our situation
- Honest communication of our pain and burdens
- Be encouraged: God hears.