Corre, Para que Puedas Obtenerlo!

by Pastor Timothy

Hace unas semanas, prediqué en 1 Corintios 9:24, “¿No sabéis que los que corren en una carrera, todos corren, pero uno recibe el premio? Así que corre, para que puedas obtenerlo. Notamos cómo se celebraron los Juegos Isthmian (similares a los Juegos Olímpicos) en Corinto. Pablo usó esta analogía muy familiar para llamar a la […]

Better Than Gold And Honey

by Pastor Timothy

More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Psalm 19:10 The context of this verse reveals that David was emphasizing the value and sweetness of God’s word. The Scriptures are much more valuable than wealth and possessions. That is easy to believe intellectually, but […]

Run, That Ye May Obtain

by Pastor Timothy

A few weeks ago, I preached from 1 Corinthians 9:24, “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.” We noted how the Isthmian Games (similar to the Olympics) were held in Corinth. Paul used this very familiar analogy to call […]

Watching Jesus Pray

by Pastor Timothy

I am thankful that we were able to at least have some connection with each other yesterday through the live stream sermon. Let me just remind us of some of the points from that message “Watching Jesus Pray“. Jesus prayed! If God incarnate desired and felt the need to pray, how much more should we […]

Rut: Dios Proporciona un Pariente-Redentor

by Pastor Timothy

Introducción y Esquema El escenario histórico de este pequeño libro es el tiempo notorio de los jueces. Como señaló nuestro último estudio, ese período fue de gran oscuridad, rebelión y pecado contra Dios. Sin embargo, el libro de Rut nos muestra que incluso durante estos tiempos de gran maldad, Dios todavía estaba trabajando para traer […]

Ruth: God Provides a Kinsman Redeemer

by Pastor Timothy

Note: This Study #10 is from our ongoing Bible Study series through the Old Testament. Introduction and Outline The historical setting of this little book is the notorious time of the Judges. As our last study noted, that period was one of great darkness, rebellion and sin against God. Yet, the book of Ruth shows […]

Jueces: Rebelión; Juicio; Súplica por la misericordia; Liberación

by Pastor Timothy

Versículo clave: “En aquellos días no había rey en Israel, pero cada hombre hacía lo que bien le parecía”. Jueces 17: 6; 21:25 Introducción-Capítulo 1-3: 6 Narrativa de los Jueces-3: 7-Capítulo 16 Descripción de la Desastrosa Condición Social y Espiritual: Capítulos 17-18 El período de los jueces fue posterior a Josué y la premonarquía. Los […]

Judges: Rebellion; Judgment; Plea For Mercy; Deliverance

by Pastor Timothy

Note: This Study #9 is from our ongoing Bible Study series through the Old Testament. Key Verse: “In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” Judges 17:6; 21:25 Introduction-Chapter 1-3:6 Narrative of the Judges-3:7-Chapter 16 Description of the Disastrous Social and Spiritual […]

Mirame A Los Ojos

by Pastor Timothy

He estado leyendo lentamente un libro pequeño de Edward Welch para el corazón ansioso. Hasta ahora, he sido desafiado y bendecido. Welch enfatiza acertadamente que mirar las Escrituras como un medio para combatir la ansiedad y el miedo pecaminoso es una de nuestras mayores fuentes de esperanza y fortaleza. Sin embargo, también admite que a […]

Look At Me in the Eye!

by admin

I have been slowly reading through Edward Welch’s A Small Book for the Anxious Heart. So far, I have been challenged and blessed. Welch rightly emphasizes that looking to Scripture as a means of combatting sinful anxiety and fear is one of our greatest sources of hope and strength. However, he also admits that sometimes […]